Cybersecurity: a proactive approach


Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, programmes and data against attacks, damages, non-authorized access or any other threat that may affect information confidentiality, integrity or accessibility.

According to a report provided by the company Kaspersky, the 33% of large, small and medium-sized companies have suffered at least one cybersecurity breach during the last two years.  The research, based on 1,260 interviews to subject matter experts, offers an insight into the frequency and magnitude of the cybersecurity gaps affected.  

As regards the dimension of failures and damages, the 75% of the companies deemed them as “severe”   

Moreover, the study shows that the 64% of the incidents were caused by human failures or lack of foresight of them.  

Computer security is composed of a wide range of measures and techniques designed to protect digital assets and guarantee that computer systems can work safely. Some of the key areas focused on cybersecurity include: 

Network Security: that is, to protect computer networks against non-authorized access, attacks and/or data theft. 

Information Security: it is about guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the stored information. 

Systems Security: to protect computer systems, servers and devices against malware, viruses and other threats.  

Access Management: to control and manage the system and data input, ensuring that only authorized users have appropriate permission.  

Encryption: to use encryption techniques to protect sensitive information and guarantee communication privacy.  

Education and awareness: it is crucial to train users on secure practices and potential threats awareness. 

Response to incidents: 

To develop plans and proceedings to avoid incidents turns to be essential. The constant evolution of cybernetic threats requires a proactive approach and a continuous improvement of security strategies.