EKOPARTY 2023: the most important cybersecurity meeting in Latin America


The most important cybersecurity and ethical hacking event in Latin America took place, as usual, in Argentina and, of course, we couldn't miss it.

Apart from visiting the stands of friends and colleagues, we could listen to some talks about the progress of artificial intelligence and security risks, the main vulnerabilities in mobile networks and how governmental agencies, security forces and emergency services have faced this challenge.

One of the major speakers was Kate E. of MITRE Corporation, an organization related to the international management of vulnerabilities that provides support to the United States government. Kate made it clear that it is essential to pilot cybercriminals techniques to help identify threats.

The Ekoparty is known for its focus on cybersecurity ethics and for promoting awareness around the challenges encountered by the digital community. The topics addressed included from the exploitation of vulnerabilities and bug hunting to the artificial intelligence applied to industrial security and cybersecurity.

One of the most relevant aspects of Ekoparty lay in the technical challenges and ethical hacking skills. Participants tested their skills in controlled environments and collaborated with other professionals to solve security problems.

Artificial intelligence, data protection, cloud security and other emerging trends were salient issues among the discussions and presentations.