The benefits of pro bono work to your business


The benefits of pro bono work to your business By Israel Tannenbaum; Partner, Withum (HLB USA) Pro bono work, offering professional services at no charge or a reduced fee, has long been a staple of the legal world. But its impact reaches far beyond the courtroom. More businesses across diverse fields—finance, tech, consulting, healthcare—are embracing pro bono efforts. Discover how … Read More

Revolutionising finance: How AI is transforming investment and risk management


Revolutionising finance: How AI is transforming investment and risk management By Israel Tannenbaum; Partner, Withum (HLB USA) In today’s fast-paced world, the combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and finance is catching the attention of industry experts, investors, and tech enthusiasts alike. As AI continues to grow, its impact on the financial sector is becoming more significant, changing everything from investment … Read More

HLB athletes on track in Paris


HLB athletes on track in Paris With the Paris Olympic Games still fresh in our memory and the Paralympics soon to get underway, HLB is delighted to have two athletes to support in their endeavors during the games; Sarah Carli from HLB Mann Judd competed in the 400m hurdles event, and HLB Ireland sponsored athlete Richael Timothy competing in para-cycling. … Read More

Global Non-Profits expanding to the USA: Key strategies for success


Global Non-Profits expanding to the USA: Key strategies for success By Israel Tannenbaum; Partner, Withum (HLB USA) According to some research, non-profits have grown to become a sizeable part of the US economy, with global Not-For-Profits (NFPs) taking a very close look at their involvement in the sector. Yet these global entities must tread carefully as they move forward so … Read More

How large-scale sporting events like Euro 2024 and the Paris Olympics handled sustainability


How large-scale sporting events like Euro 2024 and the Paris Olympics handled sustainability Sustainability (specifically the pursuit of environmental, social and governance goals) is one of the hottest topics today. Some recent major sporting events have paid a lot of attention to these areas and as such, offer some significant case studies that can help to drive progress elsewhere. So, … Read More

Addressing record low global employee engagement


Addressing record low global employee engagement By Stephanie Rix; HLB Chief People Officer In recent years, employee engagement has become a pressing concern for organisations worldwide. The State of the Global Workplace: 2024 Report by Gallup, surveying the adult population across more than 160 countries, reveals that nearly two-thirds of employees feel dissatisfied with their work, with only 34% reporting that they are … Read More

Capital gap belies long-term growth in agritech


Capital gap belies long-term growth in agritech Following rapid growth driven by increased awareness of environmental impact and food security concerns, agritech startups experienced a funding drought in 2023. Last year, global investments halved compared to the previous year, hitting a six-year low of $15.6 billion.  With the agricultural sector facing challenges and capital becoming scarcer, businesses are at a defining … Read More

Cybersecurity, reporting and SMEs


Cybersecurity, reporting and SMEs By Carlos Morales; Central America Regional Leader at HLB Digital, member of the HLB Brighter Futures Community With technology woven through core operations, cybersecurity extends beyond mere IT department concerns in today’s businesses. Contrary to widespread belief, cyberattacks affect organisations of all sizes. SMEs, often perceived as weaker links in value chains due to limited resources, are … Read More

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive formally adopted


Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive formally adopted By Richard Singleton; Finance & Sustainability Director, HLB UK The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) will become EU law following the European Parliament’s vote on the final text earlier this year and later approval by EU governments in the Council on 24 May. Although some consider this new law a watered-down version of the original draft, … Read More

How can organisations embody the spirit of Pride and become more human centric?


How can organisations embody the spirit of Pride and become more human centric? By Stephanie Rix; HLB Chief People Officer Pride celebrations typically take place throughout June, with much focus on the LGBTQ+ community during that time with the objective of raising awareness, education and creating a sense of belonging. Businesses may be heavily involved in the celebration, but leaders … Read More